Korea Broad acceptance Recoil spectrometer and Apparatus
- Investigating research topics in low energy nuclear physics utilizing KoBRA
- Strengthening man powers by educating new researchers in this field
- Encouraging new domestic and international collaborators
- Securing international competitiveness through the experiments using foreign facilities
Research field
Nuclear astrophysics
- Nucleosynthesis, origin of elements
- X-ray bursts & Classical nova & Super nova
- r-process, rp-process, ap-process, CNO-cycle reaction rates
- Nuclear structure / reaction
- Alpha cluster structure
- Single particle & collective excitations
- Charge exchange reactions / multi transfer nuclear reactions
Research field
Detector developments
- dE-E telescopes
- Parallel plate avalanche counter (PPAC)
- Solenoid-based charged particle detectors
- Preparation of Day-1 experiments
- Experiments using transfer reactions
- Monte-Carlo simulations
- Design of the experimental setup
- Oak Ridge Nation Laboratory
- University of Notre Dame
- Texas A&M
- Japan
- Kyushu University
- Russia
Large Acceptance Multi-Purpose Spectrometer
Study of nuclear symmetry energy at supra-saturation density using rare isotope beam at various beam energies with high intensity
- e.g. E beam up to 250 MeV/u for 132Sn (≤ 108 pps)
- Investigation of nuclear matter and nuclear reaction with stable and rare isotope beams
- Precision measurement of charged particles and neutron within large acceptance
- Searching for novel excitation states
Research field
- Equation of State and Symmetry energy
- Nuclear Effective Interaction
- Nuclear astrophysics related neutron star structure and supernova explosion
- Dipole Emission
R&D activities
- Beam Diagnosis Detector
- Start Counter and Target System
- Solenoid Magnet
- Time Projection Chamber
- Neutron Detector Array
- Barrel Counters for Trigger/ToF
- Forward Drift Chambers
- Active-Target TPC
- Preparation of early stage experiment (~2025)
- Isospin mixing (XCa+Pb with X=50, 54, 60, XNi+Pb with X=68, 70, 72 , XSn+Pb with X=112, 124, 130, 132 at ~50A MeV)
- Cluster linear chain of in 14C (10Be+α, 6He+2α)
- Cluster state of 12Be (8He+α)
- Some nuclear astrophysics reactions in rp – and r-processes( 14O(a, g) 18Ne, 14O(a, p) 17F etc)
- Jeju National University
- Jeonbuk National University
- Korea University
- Chonnam National University
- Inha University
- Sejong University
- Pusan National University
Mass Measurement System/Multi-Reflection Time-of-Flight
- Investigating research topics in precise mass measurements using MR-TOF
- Constructing and commissioning MR-TOF for RAON
- Strengthening man powers in the field of precise mass measurement
- Utilizing foreign MR-TOF facilities for educating young researchers
Research field
Nuclear Physics/Astrophysics
- Understanding nucleosynthesis in explosive stars through precise mass measurements
- X-ray bursts & Classical nova & Super nova nucleosynthesis
- Understanding r-process, rp-process, s-process, i-process, and more
- Super Heavy Element
Research activities
Detector developments
- MR-TOF development at KEK
- Commissioning of MR-TOF at RISP using offline source
- Commissioning with RIBs
- Preparation of Day-1 experiments
- Finding rare isotopes affecting nucleosynthesis model
- Experiments using rare isotopes produced by ISOL facility
- Institute of Modern Physics
Collinear Laser Spectroscopy
- Collinear Laser Spectroscopy (CLS) is an powerful tool in the study of nuclear shape, size and multipole moments.
- Measurements of the hyperfine structures and isotope shifts in the atomic spectra of radioactive nuclei provide unique insight into the evolution of the nuclear macroscopic shape and microscopic structure.
Research field
Nuclear ground state properties from atomic spectra
- Hyperfine structure
- Isotope shift
- Mean-squared nuclear charge radii
- Relation to other nuclear observables
- Chung Ang University
- Korea National University of Education
- HIM (Helmholtz-Institute Mainz)
Muon Spin Relaxation/Resonance/Rotation
- Conducting leading-edge researches in superconductors and magnetic materials using the oversees state-of-art μSR facilities
- Fostering excellent next-generation μSR experts in the fields of material science
- Expanding μSR user pools by domestic and international collaboration
Research field
Material Science/Soft matter/chemistry
- Superconductors (vortex state)
- Multifunctional thin films
- Magnetic materials
- Organic semiconductors
- Quantum spin liquids
- Muoniated radicals
- Topological materials
- Hydrogen storage materials
- Magnetic semiconductors
- Chemical reaction kinematics
- Battery Materials
Research activities
Conducting leading-edge research
- Establish the international cooperation program for long-term stay of young researchers
- Secure international competitiveness by performing leading-edge research using μSR
Preparation of Day-1 experiments
- Train young scientists who are enable to diagnose a beamline and a spectrometer
- Educating μSR experts in the research area of magnetism and superconductor
- Buildup domestic core user groups
International μSR facilities
- PSI, Switzerland
- J-PARC, Japan
- TRIUMF, Canada
Domestic groups
- RISP, Hanyang University, SNU, CAU, The Catholic University of Korea, Kookmin University, SKKU,… (To be expanded)
Nuclear data production system
- The RAON provides deuterons and protons up to 53 MeV and 88 MeV, respectively. Pulsed beams with up to ~12 μA can be used to measure neutron-induced cross sections. The range of the beam repetition rate is to be 1kHz ~ 1MHz and the beam width is aimed to be 1~2ns.
- NDPS is an experimental system for measuring nuclear data by use of neutron Time-of-Flight detection systems. Nuclear data such as fission cross section of actinides and (n,xn) cross sections can be measured.
- We need to strengthen international collaboration, nourish young scientists, and develop research topics for NDPS.
Research field
- Nuclear data for fast nuclear systems
- Nuclear data related to nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics
- Nuclear data related to medical isotopes and nuclear technology development
R&D activities
- NDPS Beamline
- Neutron target & collimators
- Beam dump
- Detection systems
- Neutron monitoring systems
- Vacuum
- Single bunch selector
- Measurements of (n,xn) reactions: 59Co(n,xn), 93Nb(n,xn), 197Au(n,xn), 209Bi(n,xn)
- Dona-A University
- Kyungpook University
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Kyoto University
- Kyushu University
- Tokyo Tech
Beam Irradiation System for Bio-Medical Research
- Investigating research topics for bio-medical research using heavy ions
- Strengthening man powers by educating new researchers in this field
- Encouraging new domestic and international collaborators
- Securing international competitiveness through the experiments using foreign facilities
Research field
- Radiation Biology, Bio-Physics and Medicine
- Effect of heavy ions on lives
- Research for cancer treatment using heavy ions
- Plant breeding
Research activities
- Fabrication of Beam Irradiation System
- Preparation of Day-1 experiments
- RBE of various heavy ions
- Cancer treatment using very high dose rate heavy ions
- Biologically optimized treatment using multiple ions
- Combining with nano particles
- Cancer treatment using radioactive beams
- Mutation and bio-effect on plant and microorganism
- Design of the experimental setup
- Japan
- Swiss
- Germany
- France
- Grenoble University
Theory for Nuclear Physics and
Nuclear Astrophysics
- Understanding of origin of elements in the Universe
- Investigating new research topics in nuclear astrophysics
- Collaborating with physics research groups in RAON accelerator
- Encouraging new generations in domestic and international collaborators
Research field
- 1. Exotic Nuclear Structure
- 2. Low Energy Nuclear Science
- 3. Dense Matter Physics and Related Topics
- 4. Nuclear Astrophysics
Research activities
1-1. Neutron-rich, Proton-rich, Halo Nuclei
1-2. Theoretical Frameworks for Many-Body Systems
2-1. Elastic, Inelastic and Fusion Reactions of Exotic Nuclei
2-2. Capture Reactions
2-3. Transfer Reactions
2-4. Low Energy Neutrino Reactions
3-1. Nuclear Matter Properties
3-2. Symmetry Energy and Equation of States
3-3. Neutron Skin
3-4. Heavy Ion Scattering
4-1. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
4-2. s- and r-process
4-2. nu-p and nu-process
- U.S.A
- Wisconsin University
- University of Notre Dame
- Michigan State University
- Japan
- National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
- Nihon, Tohoku and Kyushu University
- China
- Beihang, Peking University, IMP
- Europe
- Tuebingen University, Dubna